Days Six & Seven
After her collapse on NYE, Isa was taken to the infirmary. That evening Ayashe had returned to her cabin and was advised that Isa had another fainting spell and was taken to be looked over by a doctor and she would be fine. This explanation didn't worry Ayashe too much aside from hoping her friend was alright. This fainting business sounded bad.
The next morning was business as usual. She expected Isa would probably be back by mid-afternoon but she was not. When Ayashe requested to visit her after lunch she was denied.. which was surprising. Friends were usually allowed to visit. They told her that in this case Isa needed to rest with no excitement so they were not permitting visitors.
The day went by and Ayashe, whom the other kids referred to as Warpaint, would grow more and more anxious and irritable.. Not only were they not allowing Isa any visitors but Jackson had not returned from his field job and administration was acting strange. Like there was something major going on and they weren't discussing it with the students. None of the other kids seemed to notice save for a few of the more intuitive.
She decided to keep to herself but by the time she went to bed Sunday evening she had resolved to go to the infirmary and demand answers in the morning.
When Ayashe woke Monday morning she felt.. renewed purpose. Matwaûquand had come to her in her dreams again. She rose from her bed and walked over to the painting she'd created of the War Spirit in her mind and pulled the cover aside to gaze at the canvas. He was nearly complete. Just a few finishing touches.. but... they would have to wait.
She knew now why they kept Isa away.. why they wouldn't tell her the real cause of her fainting spells... and she knew she had to find her and help her. The War Spirit had showed her everything in her dream.. and Ayashe was beginning to remember who she truly was.
Morning alarm... . They blasted over the loudspeaker and Ayashe cringed as she felt the pressure from trying to keep her memories from being repressed once again... "I need.. I need something.. to not let myself forget.." Frantically she looked around as the alarm buzzed throughout the camp, waking all of the teens. Grabbing her sketchpad and a charcoal pencil she wrote excitedly, "Don't ForGEt" ...and she pulled from the fleeting images of her childhood that were flashing in her mind, sketching wildly.. an image of a raggedy dog and a bike with an animal skull on the handle bars..
And as the announcements commenced she blinked rapidly.. her head hurt. She brought her hands up to rub her eyes and groan. "...Okay.. Isa.. we got this.." But first she had to think of a plan. She'd rush to throw her boots on and grab her sweater and head into the mess hall for breakfast so she wouldn't get caught..
Much to her surprise when she arrived she found that Isa was already seated, eating breakfast.. with no collar. "Hey! What took you so long, you're usually the one dragging me to breakfast." She smirked at Warpaint.
Ayashe's lips twitched.. half angry.. half relieved. Quickly she recovered and smiled, "I was working on a drawing and got caught up.." then she waved a hand and joined the line to fix herself a tray.
So Isa was out of the basement. That was a good thing. Unfortunately that also meant Blackout got to her so they will have to work on getting her memory back as well.. And as the day went on and the announcements came every few hours, Ayashe began to realize what their first obstacle would be.