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Holy Shit I love This Family

Well, today was eventful.

First, Jag drove me to pick up Abby from school then we took a day trip to Mexico. Abby was excited because Jag told us we could buy whatever we wanted from the boardwalk since we didn't have bathing suits. That girl loves to shop. I like to buy things for myself, though. Plus, I dunno there's just something weird about having someone buy all your shit for you. Like it gives them some sort of claim on you. Meals are fine, or when I'm trying to get someone to buy things for me and they do it, that's cool. Gifts? Even better. I love gifts. But gifts are different. Those are things that people put thought and effort into. Things people saw and thought "Isa would love that" and they get it for you and you can keep it and whenever you look at it you think of that person. But some guy giving me his money and telling me to shop for myself feels meh.

Anyway, so we went to the beach and that was nice. The water was great. Mexico is beautiful. I kinda retreated into my own mind, thinking about all the crap that was going on lately. Abby and Jag swam. Jag got naked in front of us. Abby didn't look, but I did. I mean jeez it was right there! He has a nice body. But that's all I'm gonna say about that. >.>

Anyway we swam and then he took me home and then took Abby home.

THEN tonight at the Gator I got into another fight with Callie.


FIRST lemme say I got this t-shirt from Seija and it's friggin hilarious so I wore it. Because Derrick is great. I wish he was my real cousin. He feels more like an uncle, actually. I mean, I would think that's how an uncle would be. I never met my real uncle or aunts. They disowned my parents years before I was born so it was always just us three.

The t-shirt is black and it says "WWDD" like "What would Derrick Do" and it has a picture of Derrick. It's great!

So I wore it today and Callie didn't like it. Then I tried to talk to her about how she treated Danny the other night and she didn't like that either. Then Derrick comes in....

I just have to say it would figure that I would be the girl to stab her favorite cousin.

So I told Derrick that Callie was giving me a hard time about Danny and ooooh they got into it! Apparently Derrick was there when Callie had some dumb relationships so he brought all of that up!

He started off by saying that it sounded like CALLIE was obsessed with Danny then he said that she was ready to marry this stupid guy she used to date! At that point I just sat back like shit I want to hear them have it out! Callie defended the guy. His name was Ty and apparently I met him once at the cafe. I couldn't remember.

Derrick said, " Ty was an idiot and a half, and you backed almost all his moves. He had a daughter as old as Isa, who I swear was more annoying than her dad.. and soon as you could it was let's get married.. but you did something smart and and listened to me, and put if off till you finally saw he was an idiot and called it off.... and you stop right there about her and her fucking her boyfriend, you had a one night stand with a fuckin spider for crying out loud. "


So then Callie said something else about Danny being a moron who tried to have me killed and we started fighting again.. So Derrick puts two knives on the bar and tells us to have it out.

At that point I called Callie a bitch. I was so pissed. It just came out.

Well, Derrick didn't like that apparently. He grabbed me and tried to pull my arm from across the bar.. but I didn't even think about it. I just grabbed one of the knives, wrapped my arm around his to lock his joint, and stabbed him in the shoulder. I'm telling you, I didn't even THINK about it! It just happened! I quickly let go and told him I was sorry. And he was pissed! At that point I was scared, I'm not gonna lie. Derrick is 6'8 and all muscle. He's fucking scary. And like I said, he was defending me. I didn't want to hurt him! So he goes, "Give me your hand." And I'm like.. ffffuuuckkkk... but I gave it to him anyway... it's only fair, right?

Then he NAILS my hand into the bar with the other knife. It hurt SO BAD! I SCREAMED! I had already called Seija, so when she got there she saw him with the knife in his shoulder and me with my hand knifed to the bar. She fixed us both up so fast it was like nothing had ever happened.

I swear.. I would have never imagined any of this.. going back and reading over it it sounds like a really bad comic book story but this is my life now. It's rough.. it's noisy.. it's dramatic.. it's emotional... it's fucked up... but it's my life. And honestly? I can't wait to see what happens next...

Also? Derrick and Callie were actually proud of my reflexes.

I love this family.




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