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OOC Post. This information can not be used during play by anyone other than Isa unless it's revealed to the other characters IC.

Isa was walking home from the bar with Ammon at her feet. It had been a good day following a good Christmas weekend. Ki was back. Gina and Tulasi were moving out of Jag's house. All was seeming right in the world!

As the bar faded from view a large black SUV traveled down the road, slowing beside her with the window rolling down. She was expecting a cat call or an otherwise creepy dude but it was a genuinely confused man she saw. Isa paused in her steps without moving any closer to the vehicle as the man asked in an American accent, "I'm sorry if I scared you, we're a bit lost and running out of gas. Is there a gas station nearby?"

Isa pointed down the road, "Yeah you're real close just keep driving that way and it'll be on the right."

"Ugh, thank you SO much." He said and Isa looked at him again, meeting his brown eyed gaze.

That's when everything changed. Suddenly she felt.. disconnected. Like she had been tethered to something and was suddenly loosed but now that tether was being pulled in another direction. She heard the hushed sound of the muted shot and the large kitten beside her fall to the ground but it didn't distract her from the sudden need to enter the SUV as the rear drivers side door opened.

Soon the door was shutting behind her and she was removing her clothes. She wanted to ask why she was getting in the SUV, she wanted to ask why she needed to change her clothes and what was going on with her cat, but the words never made it past their initial thought before they were suddenly replaced with new ones... foreign ones. She couldn't feel Ammon any longer and she knew they had hit a portal as she ripped her necklaces off and tossed them in her bag along with her bracelets. The bag was then handed to the woman who had been handing her the new clothing to change into.

"Keep your eyes forward, Jefe." the girl with the Spanish accent grumbled to the male sitting beside her who was taking a peek as Isa was changing.

"Nobody told me she was gonna be hot." He joked.

"Ew you prick, she's sixteen. Fuck off!" The woman replied.

Up front, two men chuckled. "Anna, you got her shit? We need to drop it quick and we need another jump. Remember, Boss said these people she's livin' with are fuckin' hunters so they'll be on our shit quick." He glanced over his shoulder at the girls, "Fuckin' kid better be worth all this fuckin' trouble.."

"Yeah, I got it." Anna replied and with a flick of her wrist a portal appeared in front of the moving SUV instantly transporting them to a wooded area where the vehicle skid to a stop and Jefe was hopping out to stuff Isa's belongings into a tree. For a moment Isa wanted to ask for her mother's bracelet back but then she suddenly thought it was a good idea to remain quiet and calm throughout the rest of the ride.

Another portal jump. She could feel it. Then another. Where were they going that they had to jump so many portals?

"We pull into the compound and take her straight to the barracks. Boss wants to room her up with Warpaint." The driver said to the man in the passenger seat.

"What? Why? That kid's already a pain in the ass, what's he thinkin?" The skinny young man replied.

"I dunno man, I don't question the boss. Ain't losin' my head."

Another portal jump. And another. Until everything went black.

The next morning Isa woke up to a rather loud and irritating alarm and a splitting headache. "Ugh.. what the.. what the fuuck.." She pulled her pillow over her head to try and silence the alarm but it felt like the whole room was vibrating.

The voice of another teen girl was muffled through her pillow and droned out by the alarm sound. "Get the fuck up, princess. It's breakfast time." And with a THUD Isa hit the floor! Before she could see who'd done it, she heard the laughter leaving the room as she fought through the sheets and the fabric of her hammock whose strings had become untied by the owner of that voice.

"What the ff..." She was pushing to her knees ready to take vengeance when she finally got to look around... "...uck...?" The alarm was still going off but it had gotten quieter and there was now a list of announcements being made over a large speaker she could only assume was outside of the domicile she was currently searching over with her eyes. "Where the hell am I..." asking no one in particular as her eyes took in every square inch of what looked to be a cabin that was being used as a makeshift art studio. There were half finished paintings everywhere. Canvases hanging on each wall, some of them covered and some of them blank. A desk was in the corner littered with pencils and other art supplies. The only other furniture was a small bed, a night stand and a dresser. This was obviously not meant to be a shared bedroom. She rose to her feet, still groggy and not quite sure whether or not she was dreaming, and she looked down over her own body. White pajama pants and a white tanktop.. her hair in one single braid.. no jewelry... and yet.. she felt she was supposed to be here... while she felt a nagging reminder that something was wrong.. something she'd forgotten? By the time she tried to remember the announcements finished and as soon as the last word ended she lifted her chin and all thoughts were focused on finding breakfast, forgetting what she had been so curious about only moments ago.

Isa pulled on a pair of boots that were sitting by the front door of the cabin and grabbed a sweater that hung from a hook as if she knew they were hers. Her mind was blank, only thinking of heading for the cafeteria, the location of which she somehow just.. knew. Stepping into the cool morning air, she headed in that direction, barely taking note of her surroundings. There were about twelve cabins in this area, six on each side. Each of them looked exactly the same save for a few windows with different items in view no doubt from the inhabitants trying to give the place a little individual flare. It was quiet for the most part, though there were several loud speakers from which the alarms and announcements would be heard several times a day. The cafeteria was in the center building which also housed the office and the infirmary. There were guards here and there and the whole place looked like a prison yard but none of the inhabitants looked like prisoners. She could smell the food.. oh lord was she hungry.. The last thing she'd had to eat was... was... a bacon cheeseburger... but she couldn't remember where she'd gotten it from. Oh well.

The cafeteria seemed like any other. Loud with the chatter of teenagers. Isa fixed herself some breakfast on her tray and sat down to eat, listening with interest to the conversations around her until a familiar voice came from the girl who was sitting a few seats down. "Yeah so they bring this chick in in the middle of the night and I'm like what the fuck guys? There's only one bed in here. And they're like 'Bosses orders'" making a huffy voice, "and they set her up in a fuckin hammock." The kids she was talking to laughed. "I mean really, why do we need another girl here if they don't have room for her."

Isa piped up, "Maybe they wanna replace you with someone who isn't a bitch?" A low 'ooooooooh' would be heard coming from the table.

The young girl who looked around Isa's age with tan skin, almond eyes, high cheekbones and dark hair parted down the middle and braided over her shoulders was wearing the same white pajamas and long sweater that all the other girls were wearing. She grinned, "Oh yeah? You see any chicks in here that aren't bitches?"

....Isa chuckled, looking straight ahead, "Nope." And she picked up her orange juice and took a sip before the two sets of eyes met once again with a smirk.

"Warpaint" - Isa's bunkmate.



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