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Well that didn't go well...

Another busy school day that didn't involve much schooling.

I mean I went. I just didn't pay much attention. Then I had plans to meet up with Abby afterwards so I took the truck and headed to El Paso. First I had a stop to make to meet with someone there.. then we linked up at a coffee shop. I had texted Jag earlier and told him I was meeting a friend so I guess he stalked me there because he showed up and I introduced them.

Then he took us to some place where a bunch of supes were.. and.. I dunno. I don't know how I feel about Abby hanging around him. They're both awesome.. but both from two different worlds that I don't exactly feel like mixing. I'm not even sure I want to keep Abby in my life at this point. It's nothing against her, but...I mean she is the last link I have to my old life.. my normal human life.. and I kinda go back and forth between wanting to keep those links or sever them. And honestly? Abby.. always.. gets the guys.

I know, I know, I have Danny. I'm not saying I want Jag now, I'm just saying it's nice to not feel like I'm competing with Abby for everything. She's prettier than me, she's smarter than me, she has money and status. The girl is basically barbie.

Next to her I'm invisible. Even with Jag who just a few days ago acted like he worshiped the ground I walked on. I know, I know, I should be happy he's interested in someone else because I have a boyfriend but this is my diary and if I want to whine about stupid things then I will, dammit!

SPEAKING of boyfriends.

Tonight Danny finally came to the Gator again.. He's been avoiding the place because he knows Callie doesn't like him... Callie insists that she does nothing to make him feel unwelcome but that's so not true!

People aren't dense, most of them can tell when someone has something over them. It's that cold shoulder, that distant vibe.. that unwanted feeling. She might smile at him but her eyes tell a different story. Her eyes say "I'm stabbing you in my mind."

Anyway while Danny was there Ki dropped off a box of my stuff.

As if this is like.. a break up.

He dropped off my things and the pieces to the bike we'd been working on.

Then Danny up and leaves before Callie could even say more than hello to him.. so of course I texted him and we ended up fighting about how I wanted him to come around more and fix things with Callie because she's my family so it's really important to me. He got mad and said I can't force him to.. so.. I dunno. I don't understand why it's so difficult for him... I mean I understand that it sucks that Callie is so cold to him but I don't understand why he can't do this for me.


I mean really, how can Callie think people think she likes them if she has this face whenever they show up?


The face Callie makes when Danny walks into the room. How is anyone supposed to feel welcome with that?!

Texts with Danny: Red Yellow Blurr [10:46 P.M.]: txt : Home.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:46 P.M.]: Txt : Dogs pooped in the shower -__-

IMythYou [10:46 P.M.]: Text: LOL Oh well.. they need training! It must have been Holmes. Holmes is eccentric.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:47 P.M.]: Txt : I don't think I will be coming by the Gator soon. I don't think I am wanted there by many people.

IMythYou [10:48 P.M.]: Text: What? Everyone here was fine except Callie. And she's just going to have to get over herself.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:48 P.M.]: Txt : Thats who I am talking about. Its weird to get the cold shoulder from the one who is supposed to be your mother.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:48 P.M.]: Txt : And not to mention your best friend.

IMythYou [10:50 P.M.]: Text: Her boyfriend seemed to like you. Charlie seemed cool. Aria seemed fine. Which really I don't knw them that well anyway, but.. Please.. just keep coming. Eventually she'll come around. She has to.

IMythYou [10:50 P.M.]: Text: Tonight wasn't ideal, but it was better than the last.. and it'll get better.

IMythYou [10:51 P.M.]: Text: I know it's hard.. but.. it's important. If you never come around they'll just always have something to hold over you.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:51 P.M.]: Txt : You mean how they already have something over me?

Red Yellow Blurr [10:52 P.M.]: Txt : Just something else to add to the merit that is Danny.

IMythYou [10:52 P.M.]: Text: Please, Danny. I can't keep my life with them separate from my life with you.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:52 P.M.]: Txt : Doesn't matter what I do, I will always be judged and looked at like some sort of villian.

IMythYou [10:52 P.M.]: Text: The only thing you can do is continue to prove them wrong every day.

IMythYou [10:53 P.M.]: Text: Well, I mean, I know you can't come over every day, but you know what I mean.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:53 P.M.]: Txt : Yeah..we can see how much that has proven to work. I dunno..Im not asking you to keep it seperate..just..know I feel very uncomfortable when I step foot in there.

IMythYou [10:54 P.M.]: Text: I know. So my goal is to try my damnedest to make it work. And it doesn't have to be all the time.. just.. like tonight. Every once in awhile..

IMythYou [10:56 P.M.]: Text: I want to be with you for a long time. If we're going to live together and maybe even eventually get married one day (not to freak you out) we can't give up on this.. I'm in it for the long haul.

Red Yellow Blurr [10:56 P.M.]: Txt : Just know that I am not looking to be accepted by them anymore..since I know it will never work.

IMythYou [10:58 P.M.]: Text: Would it be wrong of me to ask you to try.. for me?

Red Yellow Blurr [10:59 P.M.]: Txt : ...Goodnight Isa. I love you.





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