Boys Are Weird.
So lately Danny has been working a lot. And interning a lot. And crime fighting a lot. And it sucks. But whatever, I hang out with my friends and I go on my own adventures...
Danny doesn't really like me doing anything adventurous, I think if he had his way I'd be at school every day all day, school activities after, then home resting. Or waiting for him. And in theory that sounds sweet, but in play.. ugh that sounds like a death sentence. Actually I can't understand why he and Callie don't get along at this point, they both want the same thing for me.
Anyway I WAS hanging out with Ki all the time but now that I've ended that friendship I've been hanging out with Jagger a lot more. He's cool. Cheesy af and flirty, but I don't really flirt back and I always tell him that I love Danny so he doesn't get the wrong idea. But tonight? Tonight I find out he's a fucking DEMI GOD.
YEAH. A D E M I G O D. They actually exist.
I don't know how this shit even surprises me anymore. My best ex-best friend is a werewolf and my boyfriend is basically The Flash. And now my newest friend is the son of Ares. As in the God of War. He showed me this special place he goes when he wants to be alone and he showed me his powers AND his sword, which, if something happens to that then apparently he loses his mortality. Pretty big deal.
Anyway after all that.. he leans in and tries to kiss me. o.o
I was like whaaaao whoa whoa.. I've got a boyfriend.. who I love.. and I appreciate all this stuff but.. man... I can't do that to Danny.
But for real for real. On the DL. Low key.
That was fuckin hot.
I'm not saying I'm going to go cheat on Danny! I'm just saying.. Danny is like... this.. sweet, caring, good natured, upper class rich white kid... that also happens to be a total freak in the sack mind you..
And Jag is like.. the long haired Indian bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks with his electric guitar and noisy motorcycle... and they both want me.
You can't tell me that's not hot! Ugh. Down girl. I need to get some sleep.
I'm probably gonna have some fun dreams tonight!
